Modding a DDC-1VC

Dieses Thema im Forum "Overclocking & Cooling" wurde erstellt von DarkEgo, 16. Juli 2009.

  1. DarkEgo

    DarkEgo Guest

    I have a DDC-1VC (Swiftech 350) 10w version. It had the 5.4v PCP and a black impeller. I want to mod it to the 18w version (Swiftech 355). Now would I be correct in saying all I have to do is solder a bridge from the 12v solder point to the solder point that is 2 over from the 12v.

    Modding a DDC-1VC [​IMG]

    Diagram of my solder points.

  2. deedeecee

    deedeecee Guest

    File Explorer--Customize to See File Name?

    Okay, that's good news.

    How do you do it? How do I set it in File explorer so that it always shows the entire name of the file?

  3. phanbuey

    phanbuey Guest


    I think you have to join them...

    BTW you guys creamed us in l4d yesterday *Laugh :laugh:

    EDIT: if yours only has 4 pins, you may have the 5.4 version, in which case its harder to mod.
  4. DarkEgo

    DarkEgo Guest

  5. DarkEgo

    DarkEgo Guest

    That is mine, and yes it is a 5.4. What do I have to do to mod it?
  6. phanbuey

    phanbuey Guest

    I have no idea exactly how... i know you have to connect all 4 and do something with the tach resistor...

    Binge might know, might wanna PM him.