Mickey: Viewing console & desktop on the same monior - ACER XB271HU 27" 1440P

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Flogger23m, 21. Juli 2018.

  1. Flogger23m

    Flogger23m Guest

    Using my Nintendo Switch on my ACER XB271HU 27" monitor, which looks decent enough at 1440P at full screen. However I don't like having to press some buttons to switch inputs on the monitor each time I want to quickly check something on the desktop. Is there a way I can view both my desktop and my Switch console side by side on this monitor? Obviously the windows will be compressed, but that won't be much of an issue since the Switch doesn't run at 1440P anyways. Desktop will be compressed...

    Viewing console & desktop on the same monior - ACER XB271HU 27" 1440P
