Mickey: Unexplained loss of power (Laptop stops using cable, works fine on battery)

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von Navis, 26. August 2018.

  1. Navis

    Navis Guest

    I'm going mad.

    The story goes like this.

    I have a laptop now 4 years old. G750JZ model. Since the first day of purchase I have changed the motherboard, bought new power adapter and new power jack board ( the port where you charge your laptop) and they are all relatively new.

    Now the problem is that for the past week my pc at random losses power. By that I mean that instead of using the outlet power because I have it plugged in 99% of the time it stops using that power and uses the battery...

    Unexplained loss of power (Laptop stops using cable, works fine on battery)
