Mickey: Help- PC On BootLoop. Fix Upgrade or Buy New?

Dieses Thema im Forum "AMD / ATI" wurde erstellt von dark_elf, 16. Juni 2018.

  1. dark_elf

    dark_elf Guest

    Hi all
    my pc stoped working.
    when i start it, it go to a bootloop with a black screen(with nothing on it).
    working for 4-5sec and then restart itself.
    this goes on and on.
    also no beep sounds ever.

    tried the following:
    tried to remove/clean/replace slots of the ram.
    tried to set my old G.Card.
    tried to unplug the cables press the shutdown button for 30sec and restart.
    tried to remove battery several times.
    tried to unpluge every thing (cd room, HD,SSD)
    tried to unpluge every thing but...

    Help- PC On BootLoop. Fix Upgrade or Buy New?
