Almost @ 7 GHz in a Phenom II 955: WOW

Dieses Thema im Forum "Overclocking & Cooling" wurde erstellt von HTC, 26. Mai 2009.

  1. HTC

    HTC Guest

    Here's the link for K|NGP|N's topic @ XS.

    And here's the CPU-Z validation:

    Almost @ 7 GHz in a Phenom II 955: WOW [​IMG]

    Disregard the 1st place as it's false:

    Almost @ 7 GHz in a Phenom II 955: WOW [​IMG]

    As far as i know, this hasn't been posted yet.

  2. Blue Screen with Internal Power Error message

    Greetings all.

    After one of the last updates Win 10 (64 bit) the following problem occurred - blue screen with the fallowing massage "Internal Power Error" following with restart of PC.

    My PC has AMD Phenom (TM) II x4 955, a graphic card ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series.

    Please could you assist me?
  3. Blue Screen with Internal Power Error message

    Hallo again,

    I have found the newest DMP file, and I have tried to send it in attachment to your reply mail but with no success.

    Please sen me the address to which I could sen the file. The rest of my system specification are as fallows: My PC is running Win 10 Pro, Ver 1511, OS Build 10586.104, Intel Processor AMD Phenom(tm) II X4
    955 Intel Processor 3.20 GHZ, Installed ROM 4 GB, System Type 64-bit operating system, x64-based Intel Processor. Display ATI Radeon HD 4800 Series, Chip Type ATI (0x9460), DAC Type Internal DAC (400MHz).

    Regards Marijan
    Zuletzt von einem Moderator bearbeitet: 30. November 2018
  4. HolyCow02

    HolyCow02 Guest

    that's pretty friggen awsome!
  5. Nemesis881

    Nemesis881 Guest

    *Twitch :twitch:

    I want a PHENOM!!!
  6. Easo

    Easo Guest

    Hell Yeah!!! :d
  7. DrPepper

    DrPepper Guest

    How is number one fake ? what's wrong with it.

    Also thats fast *Stick Out Tongue Almost @ 7 GHz in a Phenom II 955: WOW :p I wonder what superpi is.
  8. Naekuh

    Naekuh Guest

    its funny because i guessimate less then 1% can reproduce a legend like kingpin's results.
  9. DaMulta

    DaMulta Guest

    Liquid helium isn't cheap. I priced 100 liters at 1 thousand USD....If you watch when they are running that stuff they just let the tank run wide open.

    Very insane, VERY VERY AWESOME!
  10. DrPepper

    DrPepper Guest

    This also puts the myth that duals clock better than quads to rest as well since the highest clock on a e8600 was something like 6777mhz
  11. DaMulta

    DaMulta Guest

    It depends you could have one weaker core than the other core/cores/
  12. DrPepper

    DrPepper Guest

    Indeed the chance of a slower core than the rest is twice as high as a dual but its all chance in the end. Sometimes you could get a dual that wont oc at all and a quad that wont oc at all.
  13. HTC

    HTC Guest

    Check this link: XtremeSystems Forums
  14. _33

    _33 Guest

    It's awesome that Phenom II's can clock as high as this! Great work!
  15. Kantastic

    Kantastic Guest

    God damn that's awesome.